Friday, March 09, 2007

SONIC PREVIEW - Nathan's New Artwork

Nathan and I were just having our weekly email conversation about "LOST", and at the end of one of the messages, he brought up the artwork idea he has for "The City Destroyed Me" - see a sample below - and i asked about the artist. This is what i got back:

"An artist named Maurice Bernard. He's really well known around these parts anyway. I actually took art lessons from him for a few years when I was a kid...he used to crank the soundtrack to "Good Morning Vietnam", so that was my introduction to Motown stuff. And he had books of weird art with topless chicks fighting dragons and stuff. So that was my introduction to topless chicks fighting dragons. So anyway, it's all come around and he's doing the art for my record. He's great at nailing the likeness thing...and making me look pretty.

(middle paragraph edited out)

Gonna start working on the graphics soon. I can't's always fun to do. Then we all get to fight over a single for a video or whatever. What do you think?"

It's important to note that this sketch is NOT the one we're using for the album cover. It is just part of the series of sketched the artist submitted to Nathan as ideas.

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