Monday, March 12, 2007

Wintersleep Boston Review / Interview

I found a nice Wintersleep blog entry / interview this morning on the Boston based Ryan's Smashing Life, so I thought I would share...

Meet Wintersleep - An interview with Bassist Jud Haynes

Wintersleep's first album (self-entitled) and their second album (untitled) were just re-pressed and are now available at finer independent rock stores worldwide. The second release is just about the best record I have bought in the last year (& that's a lot of music!).

It's Friday, February the 23rd, and I am preparing to meet Nova Scotia's Wintersleep after checking out their gig at the Paradise in Boston. They are opening up for The Slip (Boston) and playing with Phonograph (New York), who they are alternating opening spots with every other night. Tonight, Wintersleep opens and they are excited about the prospect of playing in Boston. Little does the gathering crowd know that this evening's opening act will play the best set of the night.

It's frigid cold outset but inside - things were just heating up.Wintersleep comes off as a pretty original band. Singer Paul Murphy has one of the most incredible voices I have ever heard. It's like an extra instrument he uses to establish pace through the tracks. The band's next greatest strength are their songwriting and unique song structure. The songs are showcased with long mood-setting lead-ins and extremely catchy choruses. Simply: they are really good. Playing live, they are even better.

The Paradise is still filling in as the band closes up its set. Those that saw it were mesmerized. The applause were heartfelt and loud. It's a sad thing when the music ends but it means it's time to meet the band. The room is suddenly silent now - an abrupt and discourteous reminder of how good it was just moments before when the room was filled with the band's immense sound - what I can describe only as "Wintersleep-goodness."

Read the Full Interview HERE. An Excerpt:

RSL: Jud, can you tell us about the band? What's a typical night like before the show? Anyspecial preparations or rituals?

JH: We have no special rituals or preparations. I wish I had something fun to report - but other than a strict regiment of moisturizing; choice conditioners; push-ups and Oprah reruns we're really not all that interesting.As far as the individual personalities go, Paul loves coffee, books and spirited dance parties. Tim is quiet and finds comfort below the bill of his hat and while sneaking out for a smoke. Jon is a news junkie, watching countless hours of news TV finding occassional time to fry his brain on WWF wrestling.... Loel recently bought a souped-up mac laptop and now is the envy of us all while I have a sweet tooth that is sure to bring me closer to being diebetic with each tastey morsal, and I am fully in love with a machine called BlackBerry. We're very normal and mildly lovable.

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