Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's a new dawn, it's a new day...

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the first of many Sonic blog posts. I (Janesta - better known as "JB" around these parts) am tearing down some walls, slapping on some fresh paint and putting up some posters, and soon this place will look brand new. In the coming weeks and months, we (Sonic staff and friends, better known as "the office")' will be bringing you podcasts, videos, news, artist playlists / stories / tour photos, and much more. So come on in (but please take off your shoes first) and make yourself comfortable. There's beer in the fridge and it's going to be a long night.


Anonymous said...

Great job JB! I'm subscribing.

When my little fingers are getting ready to crack and bleed from using my d**m calculator, I now have something to give me a break.


Ang said...

Great news! so far it's looking great! thanks for keeping us in the loop JB.